Green School’s Green Project Hub: A One-Stop-Shop – Bringing Sustainable Projects to Life
For 10 years, Green School has been an incubator for students to generate ideas, experiment, design, innovate and get real-life sustainable solutions off the ground. From the chicken project – a project where grade 4 students incorporated math, science, and enterprise together to produce free-range eggs, to the Bio-Bus project, where students created a solution to reduce the black market in used-cooking oil, to the most recent project – Operation Rain or Shine – a project that aims to get the school off-the-grid.
Students are making changes, large and small, everyday, towards a better future (and not waiting until they hit the ‘real world’ to start doing this). In fact, so many projects exist in Green School, that we thought it was time to create a central ‘hive’, to support, coordinate and curate student projects.
Right across the campus and across every age and grade, over 100 real projects are underway right now. Each project has been captured and carefully aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Seeing for the first time, how the projects, large and small, can make a contribution to some of the world’s most critical needs is an exciting step forward for the School.
The newly opened Green Project Office is a beautiful bamboo yurt, centrally located on campus. It is a hot-spot for connecting and for creativity. It is also the place to go for tools, support, sourcing expertise, mentorship and for connecting one project to another. Powering student projects is the project bank facility, where students and classes can apply for micro-loans and micro-grants for particular projects. We love being creative and finding low-cost solutions, but the addition of the bank gives students a springboard to take their projects to the next level.
Support our students to create more sustainable solutions through Green Project Hub and donate here.
(top picture: Green School students upcycle used-bottle-caps into sustainable products such as frisbees, 3D-printed objects, etc)