UN Secretary General Comes to Green School

UN Secretary General Comes to Green School

Clover Hogan gives her account of what it was like to MC the assembly at which The UN Secretary General witnessed the signing of an agreement which puts our school at the centre of promoting green education in Indonesia by identifying 1 million “green youth...
Why do we need people like Jane Goodall?

Why do we need people like Jane Goodall?

“As thy days, so shall thy strength be”. Over her four days at Green School, like this quote from The Bible passed on by her grandmother, Dr Jane had many words of wisdom, sayings and anecdotes that summed up her raison d’etre. Wherever she went...
Throwing Off the Bowlines

Throwing Off the Bowlines

John Stewart’s former boss, and founding principal recently came to Green School to give his take on the way forward. Sitting on the pillion of a motorbike on the busy roads around Ubud might not be the place of choice for most people for a time of reflection,...
New Head’s Speech to Graduates

New Head’s Speech to Graduates

Address to the Green School graduates of 2014 To our graduates – this is the first time I have had the honour to address you. You are awful. I was going to say awesome. But I think you are more than that – you have filled me with awe. So “awful”, in its original...
Galungan Celebrations

Galungan Celebrations

Students set the stage with stories of Galungan Galungan marks the beginning of one of the most important recurring religious ceremonies in Bali. The spirits of deceased relatives, return to their former homes for a visit and it is the current inhabitants of their...
KemBali – Recycling Centre

KemBali – Recycling Centre

In Indonesian “You’re welcome” is Kembali. The word literally means “to return”. At KemBali – the new thrift store, we are practising recycling and responsible waste disposal in a special new location. The construction of KemBali is complete...